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:link: Registers

All registers are in undefined state at startup. The “Reset” column in the datasheets is misleading (and only emulated by the original IDE which generates code to set all registers to 0). You have to initialize all registers yourself.


:link: Clock Sources and Setup

TODO: This section is still missing and should explain the following terms:

_sdcc_external_startup, IHRC, ILRC, external crystal, SYSCLK, maximum possible clk frequency, factory calibrated values, easy pdk calibration, …

:link: Code Options

Padauk µCs have several options that are called “code option” in the datasheet. There is usually an overview of all code options a µC supports in a chapter towards the end of the datasheet. The datasheet does not provide any detailed information on how to set the code options, because Padauk expects users to use their IDE which takes care of that for you. Some code options are set as fuses, whereas others are set in undocumented registers.

To figure out whether a code option is set as a fuse or in an undocumented register, you can consult the following table. For µCs not listed in the table, you need to look into the PDK include files as described in the next two sections, or into the original .INC files that come with the Padauk IDE.

µC Fuse Undocumented Register
Security Pin Drive Startup Speed 3-bit LVR INT0 Source INT1 Source TMX Bits TMX CLK PWM Type PWM CLK TM2 OUT COMP INT Edge 3-bit LVR 4-bit LVR Bandgap CLK
PFS122 x x x x x x x x x x x
PFS154 x x x x x
PFS1721 x x x x x x x x x x x
PFS173 x x x x x x x x x x x x
PMS150C x x x x
PMS15A x x x x
PMS152 x x x x x x x x x x x
PMS154C2 x x x x x
PMS171B3 x x x x x x x x x x x x

Click on an individual table cell to get the code that controls the corresponding code option.

:link: Fuses

Some of the code options are configured by setting bits in a magic word towards the end of the ROM. These can be set using the PDK_SET_FUSE(...) macro. The factory-default fuse settings differ depending on the µC model, which is why it is best to always set all supported fuses. Be aware that your program must only contain a single call to PDK_SET_FUSE.

// Example of setting fuses on a PFS173
// The available fuses vary depending on the µC model!
#define PFS173

#include <pdk/device.h>

unsigned char _sdcc_external_startup(void)

void main(void)
    // ...

:link: Undocumented Registers

Other code options are configured in undocumented registers:

It is unclear whether you are allowed to change these code options while the µC is running, or whether you are supposed to only set them once and leave them as they are.

// Example of using the ROP register on a PFS173
// The available settings and undocumented registers vary depending on the µC model!
#define PFS173

#include <pdk/device.h>

unsigned char _sdcc_external_startup(void)
    // ...

void main(void)
    // Use PA4 for INT1 instead of PB0

:link: Digital I/O

Digital I/O is organized in ports of (at most) 8 pins. The ports are named A, B, and C. I/O pins are controlled by the following registers (replace x by A, B, or C):

  • PxC Control Register: Controls whether the pin is used as an input (0) or output (1).
  • Px Data Register: Sets the output low (0) or (high). Has no effect on inputs.
  • PxPH Pull-up (“pull-high”) Register: Enables a pull-up resistor. The resistor is also active when the pin is used as an output and driven high (!)
  • PxPL Pull-down (“pull-low”) Register: Enables a pull-down resistor (only very few ports and pins have pull-down resistors). It is unknown whether the resistor is also active when the pin is used as an output and driven high (!)
  • PxDIER Digital Input Enable Register: For pins to work as digital inputs, this register needs to be set to 1. Otherwise the input signal is cut off from the digital circuitry (including the external interrupt hardware + wake up functionality). This is recommended when using the pin as an analog input to the ADC or comparator, and required when using the pin as input of an external crystal.

The following table provides an overview of how the registers work together to control an I/O pin (this example uses PB.0).

PBC.0 PB.0 PBPH.0 PBPL.0 PBDIER.0 Result
0 x x x 0 Digital I/O disabled (can only use pin for analog input and crystal)
0 x 0 0 1 Input without pull resistors
0 x 1 0 1 Input with pull-up resistor
0 x 0 1 1 Input with pull-down resistor
0 x 1 1 1 not explicitly mentioned in datasheet
1 0 x x x Output low wihout pull resistors
1 1 0 0 x Output high wihout pull resistors
1 1 1 0 x Output high with pull-up resistor
1 1 1 1 x not explicitly mentioned in datasheet
1 1 0 1 x not explicitly mentioned in datasheet

:link: Maximum Current

The maximum current an I/O pin can drive and sink varies by pin and µC. Take a look at the interactive pinout diagram of an individual µC and enable “Maximum Sink/Drive Current” to learn more.

TODO: Many µCs can increase the maximum current on two of their pins.

  • How do I enable that?
  • Is there any downside to enabling that?

:link: Interrupts

Padauk µCs provide up to 8 interrupt sources. Interrupts are configured with the following registers:

  • INTEGS: Interrupt Edge Select Register
  • INTRQ: Interrupt Request Register
  • INTEN: Interrupt Enable Register

Whenever an interrupt occurs, the corresponding bit in the INTRQ register is set to 1 by hardware. The µC never sets the bit back to 0. This has to be done by your program.

If you want to trigger an interrupt service routine (ISR) when an interrupt occurs, then you have to individually enable it for each interrupt source by setting the corresponding bit to 1 in the INTEN register. In addition, you need to enable interrupts globally by calling __engint().

All interrupts share a single ISR, which is denoted by adding the __interrupt(0) attribute to the function definition. Inside the ISR, you have to check which interrupt(s) triggered it by checking the corresponding bits in the INTRQ register. It is possible for multiple interrupts to occur at the same time

If you handle multiple interrupts in your ISR and you disable an interrupt conditionally by setting its corresponding bit in INTEN to 0 at some point in your program, you also have to check the INTEN register when the ISR is called. This is because the bit in INTRQ is still set even if the interrupt is disabled in INTEN. The alternative is to disable all interrupts whenever you want to disable a single interrupt by calling __disgint().

The following example shows how to use the two external interrupts on a PFS173:

#include <stdint.h>
#include <pdk/device.h>

volatile uint16_t counter;

void interrupt(void) __interrupt(0)
  if (
    INTEN & INTEN_PA0  // Is the interrupt enabled?
    INTRQ & INTRQ_PA0  // Did the interrupt occur?
  ) {
    // Reset interrupt request bit
    INTRQ &= ~INTRQ_PA0;

    // Handle interrupt

  if (
    INTEN & INTEN_PB0  // Is the interrupt enabled?
    INTRQ & INTRQ_PB0  // Did the interrupt occur?
  ) {
    // Reset interrupt request bit
    INTRQ &= ~INTRQ_PB0;

    // Handle interrupt
    // ...

void main(void)

  // Further initialization code

  // Enable interrupts.
  INTRQ = 0;

  for(;;) {
    // Make sure to temporarily disable the interrupt when
    // reading the variable from the main program, since access
    // to 16 bit variables is not atomic.
    uint16_t i;

    INTEN &= ~INTEN_PA0;
    // The ISR is now no longer called when an interrupt at PA0 occurrs.
    // However, the INTRQ_PA0 bit in INTRQ will still be set if an interrupt at PA0 occurrs.

    // -> Let's say at this moment the signal at PA0 changes
    // -> INTRQ & INTRQ_PA0 is set to 1 by hardware
    // -> The ISR is _not_ called, because INTEN & INTEN_PA0 is not set.

    i = counter;

    // -> Let's say at this moment the signal at PB0 changes
    // -> INTRQ & INTRQ_PB0 is set to 1 by hardware
    // -> The ISR is called, because INTEN & INTEN_PB0 is set AND interrupts are globally enabled.
    // Important: The INTRQ_PA0 bit is still set to 1!
    // If we don't check INTEN & INTEN_PA0 in the ISR, the code for PA0 would be triggered even
    // though we disabled the interrupt.

    // Re-enable the PA0 interrupt now that we have read the counter variable.

    // ...

unsigned char _sdcc_external_startup(void)
  // ...

:link: VDD/2 LCD Bias Voltage Generator

Some µCs have the ability to output VDD/2 on some of their pins. This functionality is enabled in the MISC register. After enabling the LCD bias voltage generator, the corresponding pins can no longer be used as input pins, because configuring them as input enables the VDD/2 output. You should disable pull-up, pull-down resistors and also disable the PxDIER bit for the corresponding pins when using the LCD bias voltage generator.

The following table provides an overview of how the registers work together to control the LCD bias voltage generator (this example uses PB.0).

PBC.0 PB.0 PBPH.0 PBPL.0 PBDIER.0 Result
0 x 0 0 0 Output VDD/2
1 0 0 0 x Output GND
1 1 0 0 x Output VDD

:link: Watchdog Timer

The watchdog timer continuously counts up and automatically resets the µC when it reaches its maximum value. It can be enabled in the CLKMD register (make sure to enable both the watchdog and ILRC). The timeout value is set in the MISC register and can be either 8k, 16k, 64k, or 256k ILRC ticks.

To avoid µC resets during normal operation, you should regularly call __wdreset(); to reset the watchdog timer. The ILRC frequency and therefore watchdog timeout period can “drift a lot due to variation of manufacturing, supply voltage and temperature”4. You should also call __wdreset(); right after reset and wakeup, because “the watchdog period will also be shorter than expected after reset or wakeup events”4.

:link: Low Voltage Reset (LVR)

LVR automatically resets and stops the µC while the supply voltage is below the configured LVR threshold. LVR is enabled by default and can be disabled in the MISC register. The threshold is configured as a code option; see the Code Options section for more information.

You should configure the LVR threshold to at least meet the minium voltage supported by your system clock setting. Consult the f_SYS row in the “Device Characteristics” table of the datasheet for more information.

:link: Simulation and Emulation

Several options exist to simulate/emulate a Padauk µC. However, the official in-circuit emulator from Padauk currently is the only option that supports peripherals and interrupts. Emulators emulate a µC in hardware. They are usually realized using FPGAs and run in realtime. Simulators simulate a µC in software and are usually slower than the real µC.

:link: µCsim

µCsim is part of SDCC and supports simulation of Padauk µCs, including breakpoints. The binary is called spdk and currently supports the following instruction sets and µCs (spdk -H):

Instruction Set Simulated µC
PDK13 PMC153
PDK15 PMS134

Interrupts are not currently supported.

µCsim Usage Example

This example invocation shows some of the commands supported by the simulator.

spdk main.ihx -X 8000000 -tPMS134

dump ram 0 9999   # dump RAM contents from byte 0 to 9999
dump regs8 0 9999 # dump register contents from register 0 to 9999
dump rom 0 9999   # dump ROM contents from word 0 to 9999

step 2            # step program execution 2 times

state             # print state of µC

break 0x26        # set breakpoint before the instruction at 0x26 is executed

run               # run program forever or until breakpoint is hit

Watchout: ROM addresses used by the emulator are word-based, whereas ROM addresses printed in the main.rst file are byte-based. To break at the following instruction defined in the main.rst file:

000040 F4 51                  122 	sub	a, #0xf4

you have to divide the byte-based address (0x000040) by 2 when setting the breakpoint for the simulator:

break 0x20

:link: Free PDK Simulator

A work in progress simulator for the PDK14 instruction set is available at free-pdk/fppa-pdk-tools. It currently does not support interrupts or peripherals.

:link: pacmancoder/vpadauk

@pacmancoder has created a simulator for PDK13 that supports the PMS150C. The simulator is written in Rust and has support for interrupts, the timer, and digital IO.

:link: Free PDK Emulator

A work in progress VHDL-based emulator for the PDK14 instruction set and PFS152 µC is available at free-pdk/fppa-pdk-emulator-vhdl.

:link: Padauk ICE (in-circuit emulator)

Padauk offers in-circuit emulators that can be controlled from the Padauk IDE. A list of available emulators is available here. The list of µCs each emulator supports can be found here. The Padauk ICE supports most features of the µCs, and features not supported by ICE are usually called out in the datasheets.

The Padauk ICE cannot be used to emulate programs created by the Free PDK toolchain.

  1. Some additional options seem to exist which are not documented in the datasheet: 

  2. This µC has additional undocumented code options configured in MISC2: 

  3. Some additional options seem to exist which are not documented in the datasheet: 

  4. From the PFS173 datasheet  2